Saturday, 27 March 2010

The house Ladybird

There has been an Orange Ladybird and it's called the Orange Ladybird living in our house!
I'ts got white spots it's bright orange and quite rare,for me anyway LOL!


  1. What a striking picture! Aren't orange ladybirds ever so slightly poisonous?
    When I was about your age I set up a bug habitat in our old kiddie pool. I would make lots of 'homes' to suit different bugs. I then would go and look each day to see what I got. Fun times! x

  2. No Ladybirds are ever poisonous anyway the orange goo is just foul smelling stuff when they think they're being attacked!

  3. oh right! That's interesting. I guess I always thought that when they did that it was relieving itself on me!!
